
Science, Health, and Education. Entertainment and Narrative. Commerce, Marketing, and Tourism.

InvadeLab began in 2017 with the development of interactive AR software and has become a digital lab to develop interactive experiences, apps, and videogames for clients.

They work with a wide array of software types and develop fun, interactive experiences, mainly in two sectors: science communication and education, and advertising and marketing. In the science communication and education sector, they have worked for public organizations such as the National Service for the Prevention and Rehabilitation of Drug and Alcohol Consumption ​ (SENDA by the acronym in Spanish), the National Commission for Transit Safety ​(CONASET by the acronym in Spanish), the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge, and Innovation, and the Ministry of Energy. In the advertising and marketing sector, they have worked with several clients, creating apps, digital BTL, bus stops with AR technology, among other products. InvadeLab takes XR to the center of their production, working with AR and VR technologies to develop interactive software. Some of their productions have been used in 2D and 3D apps, videogames, virtual tours, 360° experiences, and simulators for virtual reality devices.


Here you can see some of our works.

Works from
