
Entertainment and Narrative.

IguanaBee was born over a decade ago, in 2011, a videogame development studio that combines art and technology to create unique games. They stand out mainly for their developments for PC and consoles. They have worked with large international clients such as Hasbro, PlayStation, and Google, among others.

The driver at IguanaBee is the creation of fun experiences or games for national and international markets. In Chile, they have created many educational experiences related to the environment and citizenship. Internationally, they have worked with the main videogame platforms, and had the opportunity to use AR technology and explore VR. They have even created videogames with 3D binaural sound technology. IguanaBee seeks to become a worldwide hub for talented young people who contribute their cultural, technical, and artistic experience, to have a positive impact on society.


Here you can see some of our works.

Works from
